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Why Choose Us

The potential large investment associated with a custom A/V system begs some significant decisions, one of which is "whom should I trust to assist me with the selection and installation of the products I choose?".  Some large retail outlets offer installation services from 3rd party companies, not the best recipe for a smooth transaction.  Other department stores offer equipment at supposedly discounted prices, telling you to find a different company to install them.  That makes about as much sense as bringing your own food into a fine restaurant and telling the chef how to prepare it.  Here are a few things to consider when you are making your choice:

  • Selection
    In the fast changing world of technology, buying from a large retail chain can be a disadvantage to the consumer.  The inventory levels of retail chains dictate that they clear out certain products, regardless of whether or not they are the correct one for you.  We purchase from manufacturer vendors who inventory so that we don't have to.  This relationship allows us the flexibility to find the right components for you without the economic pressure to "move" certain lines.

  • Knowledge
    For all of the technical jargon many retail salespeople toss your way, the truth is few of them have ever actually installed a complete home theater or distributed audio system.  They may have tinkered with their TV at home, but when it comes to the expertise & nuances of tying together a complete system, it is all theory for them.  Our recommendations are based on hands on experience in homes like yours, knowing what works in the real world.

  • Service
    Nothing is more frustrating than making a substantial purchase from a company and then not being able to have a question answered or issue resolved after the fact.  The retail outlets disconnect of floor salespeople, 3rd party installation companies and offsite customer service departments never seem to know what their fellow cohorts promised or attempted to do.  By being a smaller, more flexible company with the owner involved in every portion of the process, we can provide a higher level of initial quality as well as follow up service than the triad of any retail outlet.

  • The Bottom Line - Your satisfaction is guaranteed
    Talk is cheap, but our satisfaction guarantee is what separates us from the retail outlets.  For 14 days following your installation, if you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason, Builders Audio & Video will remove all equipment purchased, patch drywall as needed and refund your payment.  This guarantee is in addition to all manufacturer warranties and our 1 year labor warranty.

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